Looking Up & Looking Forward

It is hard to believe that we are half-way through 2021! It has been quite a moment in time. Along with the Covid-19 pandemic and its restrictions, the world as we knew it changed - right before our eyes. From mask mandates and restrictions on workplaces and social gatherings to the untimely loss of loved ones, everyone has been impacted by the changes and pain of a global pandemic in some manner. Some of us more than others, but nonetheless, we have all felt the impact of the pandemic and its aftermath. Covid restrictions created a world of isolation, where the benefits of community and people working together were limited, in order to safeguard vulnerable members of our society. While there were those on the front-lines of the pandemic that never stopped fighting for the rest of us, quarantine forced all of us to feel the impact of not being able to gather, of not being able to lend a hand to a neighbor, of being restricted to the four walls of our homes. 


Resiliency & Strength is a Common Thread

 While the pandemic brought its challenges, it also brought opportunities: opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection. Being “stuck at home” forced many of us to slow down and prioritize what mattered the most and it gave us time to learn something new, whether it was a new skill or having time to read that book that had been sitting on the nightstand for a year. Though personal growth looks different for each of us, one commonality is learning how resilient and strong we all are as individuals and as communities. The resiliency of the human race is one of its most beautiful qualities. 

Resiliency is a common thread we share as individuals and as communities as a whole. The news is filled with stories of defeat and tragedy stemming from the pandemic, whether it is a business forced to close its doors or the increase in divorce rates since quarantine. But if you choose to look hard enough and to look around you, there are countless stories of resilience, grit and new beginnings. I’ve watched plenty of friends and colleagues facing individual battles stemming from the impacts of the pandemic, but the one common thread: they all survived and have come back stronger and, in many ways, happier. I’ve watched friends change career paths after realizing that the work that they were doing was not fulfilling for them. I’ve watched people taking advantage of the personal growth and self-reflection to go back to school. Others have made more intimate changes - accessing mental health resources and therapy that became more easily accessible and affordable as a result of the pandemic. It’s amazing to watch people say good-bye to lives that were merely mediocre and investing in themselves to create a life they want rather than settling for a life of mediocrity. 

Coming Together for the Common Good

 Communities are showing resilience as well; people, churches, community leaders and members are joining together to look out for neighbors. As a society, we’ve learned that even when we are forced isolate because of a pandemic, we find ways to work together to get things done. Whether it’s zoom meetings or virtual retreats, the world has continued to move forward. Essential workers - looking out for each other - worked together every day so that society didn’t shut down. People consciously ordered take out more than ever in order to contribute to small businesses impacted by the restrictions. Church families came together to ensure that vulnerable individuals received medicine, had hot meals and were not completely disconnected from the world. Care centers created “social distancing booths” to allow families to visit loved ones in person. There are countless examples of the perseverance of society; a global pandemic might have slowed us down, but it sure did not stop us from serving others and Looking Up!

With the heart of the pandemic behind us, the world is slowly beginning to return to a “new” normal and I, for one, am ready! I am Looking Up! I am choosing to focus on finding that “silver lining” in the most challenging of circumstances. I challenge each of you to spend some time reflecting on what positive impact Covid-19 had on you as an individual. What have you learned about yourself? About your community? How are you going to take the lessons learned from Covid and keep Looking Up? We have a choice to remain at a standstill, but I expect most of us are ready to get on with our lives. What does moving forward and looking up mean to you? I encourage you to keep Looking Up! and doing your best to take the lemons life has handed you and make some lemonade!